The Great Transition (2015 – 2017)


We are at the beginnings of The Great Transition and this is what you need to know. 

I recently had a conversation with Duane Elgin ( from the movie Thrive. For over 30 years he has been writing and speaking about The Great Transition, which is a global rites of passage for Humanity from an individualistic, brain-centric world into a community based, heart-centered reality.


Right now we are starting the most important, and drastic curve of this transition which is peaking during these next three year of 2015, 2016, and 2017. Imagine we are on a steep incline to the top and that incline is getting steeper as we head into 2016. Around October of 2016 we start the decline into 2017 and arrive in a completely new reality. One that is heart centered and community based.  Things will be very different and they way we see ourselves and interact (socially, politically, and economically) as humans will change.

BUT there the potential for a global identity crisis if you are unaware of this shift (you know so no problems for you)…

2015 is an 8 year. This a year to take action! The 8 energy is all about energy, motion, and resources…those things that are in your heart waiting to become real need to be respected now. Put the things in motion now that you want to be realized on the other end of this transition – in 2017 . Seriously, do not wait until next year. 2016 is a 9 year, a global year for letting go and self mastery, not a time to create the momentum around new ideas. The new ideas will become more valuable to you in 2017, which is a global year of new beginnings and letting your soul shine – booom!

So now you know, but what do you do?

This transition time is a great time to really go deep within yourself and find out who you truly are. You will have the energy or the 9 in 2016 to help you let go of all the things that no longer serve you…be grateful and accepting of your past and the challenges you may face. They are only helping you get more on what you want to create in 2017.

This time of the Great Transition is really powerful for humanity and it can be an amazing experience, free from fear and challenges, if you really understand and develop that core sense of self. I really desire for everyone to be the best expression of their highest potential. And in my research and experience the Ho’olokahi numerology is one of the most powerful tools for understanding this.

If you have questions about The Great Transition, or interest in a numerology reading then sign up here: Numerology Consultation (Birth Pattern Analysis)

Seriously, this is probably the best thing you can give yourself if you are uncertain about the future, where you are going and where your personal story fits in. I would be honored to help.

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