Free Birthdate Numerology…Is it Worth It?


I have tried most of, if not all of, the “Free Birthdate Numerology” online calculators available. And I always leave disappointed.  The information is accurate to some degree, but very limited in value. You might be thinking, “well at least it is free.”

The reality is that the free information leads you down the wrong path of understanding. The cookie cutter, machine generated numerology does not take into account the intricate relationships between the numbers in a chart. They usually provide you with information about one or two numbers, for example the soul number, purpose/path/destiny number, or lesson-karma number, to get you excited. Maybe they give you the quick fix that you need. Or maybe they are some fun thing to “try”.

Your “free” reading leaves you thinking these ancient numerological systems are silly games and there is no need to take the information seriously

Most “Free Birthdate Numerology” online calculators are shallow at best. You think you understand something about yourself by using them, but a surface understanding blinds you to going deeper and exploring more about your true self.

However, if you go deeper you will discover something quite different. It is the relationship of the numbers (over 10 of them), and the in-between the lines information, that illuminates the deeper psychology and purpose of an individual.  Without the ability to understand and interpret the relationship of the numbers in the charts, the free, machine systems cannot tell you how a single number aids you on your purpose path, how to overcome challenges, how best to live your purpose, and how to utilize the information to create meaning.

This is also a problem with free astrology. Must people know their sun sign, maybe even their rising and moon signs, but that is just the surface.

There is so much more to the art and science of numerology, and astrology, when you look deeper. A skilled and experienced practitioner knows how to elucidate the hidden information and accurately interpret it so that it can be useful in life.

And they can teach you how to consult your chart, so you can continually utilize the information in your birthdate as it changes over time. Numbers have different influences depending on what age you are, and which master cycles are active, or where you are stuck in life – a machine is not programed to understand the information in these intricate and subtle dynamics.

I encourage you not to settle for shallow. Go deep in the art and science of these ancient systems and illuminate their true value in your life, and then help others do the same. Or not.

If you are interested in going deeper then sign up for a Ho’olokahi Numerology Consultation of your own.

If you want to go shallow you can do that here:



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