The Life Path, Purpose, and Destiny Number typically have the same position and meaning most systems. These numbers are calculated by adding up all the numbers of a person’s birthdate together. For example, if someone is born on January 9, 1975 (1/9/1975), then you would add 1+9+1+9+7+5 = 32. You would then use the number 32 to represent the persons life path, purpose, or destiny number. In some systems you would reduce this number to a 5 by adding 3+2=5.
The life path, purpose, or destiny number usually relates to qualities the person is striving for as their end goal in life. They are working towards this number as a means to fulfill a special part of who they are. By embracing and embodying the qualities of the life path, purpose, or destiny number in their life, they can feel a sense of completion and satisfaction. If, however, they fail to reach their goal of the life path, purpose, or destiny number, they may suffer a life of lesson and illness.
Once the life path, purpose, or destiny number is fully embraced and realized within a persons life, they may decide to move beyond the limitations of the number and higher expressions of the self.
Find out more about destiny here: Nourishing Destiny: The Inner Tradition of Chinese Medicine